Saturday, June 28, 2008

Larry Craig Moments

Before Larry Craig took his wide stance into the men's room I, as a woman, would think nothing of reaching under the stall partition to give or receive that most precious gift a women's room can bestow, toilet paper.  Women do this all the time.  Women's rooms are notoriously short on paper and if you sit before you check, as I often do, you can be in trouble.  But will this activity become suspect?  I now think twice about asking for t.p.  I am less nervous giving it when someone asks.  I can plead innocence that the question, 'Could I have some toilet paper' also means 'Can we do the sexy times' especially if I am caught with wad in hand.

Today I had my mini-Larry Craig moment.  Only it wasn't in a airport bathroom.  It was in a department store fitting room.  In taking off the shirt I was wearing, I inadvertently shot my Bluetooth ear thingie under the partition and into the fitting room next door.  Not even thinking about it I reached under to get it.  Only then did I notice that the room was occupied and the feet and the girlish giggle that occupied it were no more than 12-years-old.  Shit! I grabbed the Bluetooth, lamely apologized and, had I not been half-undressed, would probably have just nonchalantly strolled out of the fitting room area.  My thoughts were racing; what if the fitting room attendant or the security cameras saw that?  What if they think I'm perverted instead of clumsy and call the police?  One has to think about these things.

Alas, nothing happened.  I finished my business, the girl finished hers and returned to her grandmother. (Oddly the grandmother was dressed totally in black with her hair arranged in white, Pippi Longstocking pony tails; but that, while an amusing image, has no relevance to the story).  I have not been branded as the local Lorrie Craig and all is right with the world. Makes ya' think though.....

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