Obama, Osama and Matt Lauer

I think he does it on purpose. This morning on the Today Show they ran a report on the newest search for Osama Bin Laden. When it was thrown back to Matt after the piece he immediately said 'Obama.......excuse me...........Osama........' and went on to talk about bin Laden. No stumbling on it, just out with it. As if there weren't enough folks already confused about Obama's name, Matt Lauer again pairs the next President of the United States with our greatest terror enemy. Do the Republicans pay him to do that or is he just a true believer?
BTW, thanks to D for catching this alleged 'slip'. If she hadn't noticed it as well, I might well think I need to make myself a tinfoil hat.......
Also, BTW, or BTW Part Deux, if you haven't already, RUN to the theater to see Wall-E. It is amazingly good. I wouldn't recommend it for really little kids; they may be bored or scared during the first half.
Labels: matt lauer, obama, osama, wall-e