Tuesday, August 15, 2006

So Who's Correct

The MSM is making the case that the British terror arrests are helping George Bush. Let's take a closer look. John Kerry said during his campaign that terrorist acts are averted by quality law enforcement. Bush believed terrorist acts are averted by occupying a country that while it had a nasty dictator, has NOTHING to do with the terrorist attacks we experienced on September 11.

While the British unfortunately joined in George's Great Iraq Adventure, the most recent terrorist plot was foiled by good police work. Hmmmm. Police work = law enforcement. Police work <> invading a country. Who, in fact, was right?

Friday, August 11, 2006

Cheney's on Board Team Connecticut for Ego Joe and Random Thoughts about Terrorist Threats

EEEEWWWW. Not sure about anyone else but if Dick Cheney were on my political side with his robust 18% approval rating, his charming scary old cyborg personality, and not to mention his superb abilities with a gun, I'd want to kill myself. But Ego Joe (is he still holed up in the hotel fortifying the walls of his fantasy world?) must be so pleased. What with the rest of us blue-state, terrorist loving, anti-war extremists (all 60% of us)leaving him to truly 'be himself'. He has shaken off the taint of the Democratic 'out of the mainstream' extremists (all 60% of us). He is free to kiss whichever of Bush's body parts he wants. He's got Rove begging the Repubs not to abandon their senatorial candidate (the political equivalent of a toaster)so that the vote will go to Ego Joe. Sitting pretty Joe, is all I can say.

In the meantime, on a more serious note, as yesterday's events in London illustrated we are clearly no safer, and quite possibly even less safe from terrorism than we were five years ago. And all of this banning toothpaste and handlotion on airplanes seems a lot like closing the proverbial barn door after the horse is long gone. It's reminiscent of post 9/11 grounding all aircraft. Now I am no anti-terrorism expert like our much vaunted Department of Homeland Security but it seems to me that an appropriate way to fight the terrorists is to be two steps ahead of them at all times instead of one step behind. I understand that one can't imagine all possibilities but if the would-be terrorists could figure out that you can make a bomb with Gatorade, peroxide paste, and a cellphone is it too much to ask why the anti-terrorism experts can't assess the possibility of seemingly benign substances used in a non-benign fashion and proactively deal with the threat.

Gotta shout out to the Brits though for busting what appears to be an actual threat. Their operation seems on the surface at least to be much more credible and professional than the infamous terrorist cell we managed to break up in Miami a few months ago. Please, the threat to blow up the Sears tower was credible because one of the suspects had visited Chicago. I've visited a lot of places. Does that mean I have plans to blow up landmarks? Come to think of it the statue of Nathan Bedford Forrest in Memphis is pretty offensive........

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

The morning after

After losing the CT primary, Joe Lieberman is sounding even more like GWB. He stated this morning that ‘no one’ could persuade him to drop out of the race as an independent. He is the new ‘decider’ and he has decided. He has also showed a bush-like contempt for the will of the people in stating that he ‘cannot and will not’ let the results of the primary stand. I have to say I am deeply insulted by this arrogance and the implicit assumption that the voters of CT somehow did not know what they were doing when they sent a loud and clear message that it is time for Joe to go.

I overheard a co-worker say that despite his feelings about the war he could not vote for Lamont because of his political inexperience. Maybe inexperience is not such a bad thing. Insider Joe has lots of experience, lots of lobbyists filling his war chest, lots of sucking up to Bush and his failed policies. This is the kind of experience that brings us successful strategies like ‘stay the course’ even if the course is leading over a bloody cliff.

Connecticut Democrats made it clear last night that they want a change. Joe would do well to listen and let the will of the people prevail.